Do you find it hard to book your business meeting?

Top 3 challenges
1: Finding sustainable venues
The bigger the meeting or event, the higher the carbon footprint will be. Just think of all the paper, plastic, and electricity you’re using, and the transportation needed to get your guests to the meeting venue. This doesn’t just have a heavy impact on the environment, but ultimately also on your reputation. The solution? Picking a sustainable venue.
Unfortunately, finding a sustainable venue is one of the biggest challenges for bookers. Not only is it hard to find meeting venues that comply with your own meeting needs as well as environmental needs. Unfortunately, it’s also possible that the ones you do find are greenwashing. Checking their credibility takes a lot of time, and, as we all know, time is money.
Let’s solve this! So how do you find a sustainable venue perfect for you?
These are features you can look out for:
- Easily accessible location
- Electricity generated by solar or/and wind
- Circular waste management
- Sustainable design choices
- Supporting the local community and ecosystem
And better yet, you can use our powerful platform to filter on sustainability. Our database gives you access to more than 500,000 hotels and meeting spaces in 150+ countries around the world. To easily find a green meeting venue, you can filter on sustainability. And just like that, a list of available and sustainable venues appears!
2: Comparing multiple offers
Usually, once you find a few different venues, you want to compare their various offerings. Which venue has the best price? Which one is the most sustainable? And which one has the most amenities?
Most meeting bookers have a checklist to compare the venues they find. However, those checklists are often endless, require information about dozens of different features and so on. All just to be quickly compared with each other and thrown away. This takes a lot of time and effort.
If only there was a smooth and easy way…
But there is! The clever meeting booker uses our handy marketplace to make an easy comparison. Instantly get a side-by-side comparison of features such as venue facilities & amenities, number of meeting rooms, and even the nearest airport. Have you decided on a venue? Book it right away by clicking the ‘request’ button. Meeting challenge tackled!
3: Engagement in meetings
With more and more people returning to the office, physical meetings are making their return. And that’s great! However, this means that the most common meeting problem is getting very relevant again: creating engagement in meetings. It can be hard to be purposeful with your meetings, keep all participants busy, and allow enough time for a brain dump.
So, how do we keep everyone engaged?
Let’s start at the foundation: the way you book your meeting. Have you ever considered the impact a venue has on the outcome of a meeting? Apple’s Headquarters has a lot of windows and glass to “allow for the free flow of ideas”. But what about the amenities the venue offers? What if you’ve got a hungry vegetarian in your team but there’s no vegetarian options at the venue? Hungry participants surely won’t be very engaged, will they?
So, how about you try out a new venue? Our platform gives you access more than 500,000 hotels and meeting spaces in 150+ countries around the world. And using our filters you’ll be assured that all the required amenities are available. Oh and of course, don’t forget to share the agenda before the meeting and make time management part of your priorities.
Overcome your meeting challenges with Meetingselect
Meetingselect is the all-in-one marketplace for all your meeting management needs. With our platform, you:
- Easily book, manage and track your meetings online
- Get access to over 500,000 hotels and meeting spaces
- Reduce your carbon footprint with every meeting you book
We empower your business’ growth. Want to know more?