
Book greener, travel smarter

Organizations strive for informed decision-making regarding meeting destination, cost efficiency, and environmental sustainability. The Meeting Destination Finder (MDF) transforms the organization of business meetings and events to achieve those goals. By leveraging the platform’s intelligent data analysis, companies can preserve essential in-person interactions while reducing expenses and ecological impact.
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Group 30

The MDF suggests optimal dates and destinations by examining extensive travel-related data.


Measuring savings potential:

Up to 85% of a meeting footprint is a direct cause of travel and accommodation emissions. The case study showed that the MDF enabled savings in over 200 meetings of 1,172,091kg in CO2 emissions, 1,062,329€ in travel costs, and 2,259,601€ in productivity costs*.

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Examining extensive data:

Start by inputting potential dates and attendees’ departure locations. The MDF examines travel policies and more to suggest optimal meeting dates and destinations. For instance, considering the attendees’ locations in the world map, many would expect Amsterdam to be the optimal meeting destination. Reviewing the data, the MDF shows that Tokyo is much more ideal.

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Maximizing meeting outcomes:

By minimizing emissions and expenses, it also boosts productivity, attendee well-being, and more. This solution simplifies your meeting management, maximizes your meeting outcomes, and ultimately helps you achieve your company’s goals.

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Balancing cost management with sustainability goals

Additionally, you'll find a downloadable infographic at the end of the white paper, to share with your colleagues.

sustainable office

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