
Interaction and gamification at events

Written by Meetingselect | Apr 5, 2023 1:06:41 PM

Connecting people is one of the main roles of the hospitality industry, whether it be a conference, business meeting, or fun celebration. More importantly, the quality in which you bring them together is essential for the event to be memorable and the connection to be impactful. However, many of you will know, it is not always easy to keep attendees interested throughout the event. That's where interaction and gamification come in.  

Applying these tools can be highly beneficial in creating engagement, brand awareness, even loyalty. When attendees are actively participating in the event, they are more likely to fully absorb the knowledge shared there, to truly remember the event, and to eventually spread the word of their experience. Organizations that incorporate interaction and gamification can create a positive brand image by showing attendees that you care about their experience and are willing to invest in making it a memorable one. When attendees are participating in games or activities, they are more likely to interact with each other, encourage networking, and perhaps a sense of community, leading to long-lasting relationships and partnerships.  

It is also a particularly valuable tool for the planners of the gathering. It provides an opportunity to collect valuable data. For example, if attendees are playing a game or interacting with a display, event organizers can collect data on attendee behavior, preferences, and interests. This data can then be used to improve future events and marketing strategies. It also proves convenient for event sponsors and vendors to showcase their products and services. By incentivizing attendees to visit booths or participate in games, they can engage with attendees and potentially generate leads and sales.  

Before incorporating gamification into your meetings, understand there are some best practices to keep in mind when doing so.  

  1. Know Your Audience: consider factors such as age, interests, and cultural background when designing experiences to ensure they resonate with your attendees.
  2. Set Clear Objectives: whether it is to increase engagement, improve learning, or create a positive brand image, having clear goals will help guide you to success.
  3. Choose the Right Technology: consider the size and type of your event to ensure it fits within your budget and aligns with your objectives.
  4. Design for Accessibility: do your research and ensure that your experiences are inclusive for those with different abilities to participate and leave equally pleased.
  5. Keep it Simple: while interactive elements and games can be incredibly engaging, it is essential to keep them easy to understand as to not take away focus from the event.

Gamification can be applied in different ways. For example, it can be used to create friendly competition among attendees or to encourage them to visit vendor booths by arranging a scavenger hunt. Another way is to include the usage of augmented reality experiences or virtual reality games. Also think of photo booths, live entertainment, and interactive displays. For example, a photo booth can be set up where attendees can take pictures and share them on social media using a custom hashtag. These elements and games can be highly shareable on social media, creating buzz and generating excitement around your current or future events.  

In whatever way you choose to organize your meetings, gamification is always an option, whether your event is big or small, short or 3 days long. If you want ultimate engagement from your attendees, then interactive elements might be the way to go! So, come check out our platform for plentiful unique venues worldwide and arrange your next memorable meeting!